Legras & Haas
Chouilly Blanc de Blancs Millésime

Legras & Haas
Chouilly Blanc de Blancs Millésime
Discover the winery
Legras & Haas
This exploitation started when François Legras and Brigitte Haas met in 1967. Their common viticultural passion led them to create the champagne house Legras & Haas in 1991. Thoughtful connoisseurs of the hillsides of Chouilly, they are the pioneers of the terroir of Perthois in the 1980s and enlightened amateurs of Pinot Noir from Bar-Séquanais. Their aim is for unprejudiced viticulture based on a policy of rigorous quality. Today, the three brothers Rémi, Olivier and Jérôme have taken over.
Legras & Haas
Bottles from the winery
Legras & Haas
Exigence n°10
Legras & Haas
Blanc de Blancs L.T.S.
Legras & Haas
Les Sillons
Legras & Haas
Chouilly Blanc de Blancs
Legras & Haas
Chouilly Blanc de Blancs Millésimé
Legras & Haas
Chouilly Blanc de Blancs extra brut
Legras & Haas
Legras & Haas
Legras & Haas
Chouilly Blanc de Blancs extra-brut (Magnum)
Legras & Haas
Legras & Haas
Rosé (Magnum)
Legras & Haas
Les Sillons
Legras & Haas
Exigence n°9
Legras et Haas
Les Sillons
Legras & Haas
Chouilly Blanc de Blancs Millésime
Legras & Haas
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