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When bouillabaisse meets bourride

When bouillabaisse meets bourride

This recipe is a creation by chef Ilane Tinchant, in which he revisits two emblematic Provencal recipes in a gastronomic way.

This recipe byIlane Tinchant, chef of L'Oursin restaurant at L'Hôtel Bleu in Carry-le-Rouet, is taken from the special issue of Gault&Millau magazine, in which you can discover 109 chefs' recipes. These chefs have opened their own establishments over the past 18 months and shared their favorite recipes with us. Discover the ingredients and preparation steps to make it easy.

Serves 4

Preparationtime: 45 min

Cooking time: 25 min

Ingredients for Ilane Tinchant 'sbouillabaisse-bourride

  • 300 g raw fish (gurnard )

  • 30 cl 35% liquid cream

  • 2 egg whites

  • Half-sphere rock soup insert ( classic rocksoup reduced, strained and frozen in half-sphere molds )

  • 1 loaf Nordic bread

  • Zest of 1 lime

  • Lemon powder

  • Smoked salt

  • Sal t

Steps for Ilane Tinchant 'sbouillabaisse-bourride

  1. Stuffing: Blend the raw fish with the egg whites in a food processor. Use a pastry blender to smooth the edges evenly during blending. Add the liquid cream slowly, leaving the food processor running, until the texture is smooth. Be careful not to "slice" the filling. Strain the filling to remove any lumps. Season with salt, smoked salt, lemon powder and lime zest. Place in a pastry bag and chill.

  1. Bread: Cut the Nordic bread into very thin slices , 1.5 mm thick. Use a cookie cuttertocut the slices to the desired size.

  1. Assembly: Line circles withRodhoïd plastic sheeting. Place a slice of bread in the bottom of each circle. Line the bottom with a thin layer of filling. Place the rock soup insert in the center. Pocket the filling around and over the insert, filling the circle. Add another slice of bread on top. Tap the dish on the work surface to remove any air.

  1. Baking: Place in a dish and wrap tightly. Bake in a steam oven at 85°C (100% humidity) for 18 min. In a conventional oven, bake at 85°C with a dish filled to the brim with water.

  1. Finishing: Just before serving, color both sides of the bread with a flashlight or pan. Serve with a sauce bonne femme.

Chef's words "This is a recipe I had already made in Courchevel around Arctic char, and which I wanted to remake, adapting it to the region. "

Has this recipe inspired you to discover Ilane Tinchant'scuisine ? Read the Gault&Millau review of L'Oursin - L'Hôtel bleu.

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