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Foie gras with saikyo miso, dashi-melted daikon

Foie gras with saikyo miso, dashi-melted daikon

Opening his own restaurant has long been a dream for Japanese chef Kenichi Yamamoto, and now he's making it come true in the French capital. Although he uses Japanese products, he applies the techniques of French cuisine.

This recipe from Kenichi Yamamoto, chef at Ken Yamamoto restaurant in Paris16e , istaken from thespecialissue of Gault&Millau magazine, in which you can discover 109 chefs' recipes. These chefs have opened their establishments in the last 18 months and shared their favorite recipes with us. Discover the ingredients and preparation steps to make it easy.

  • Serves 4
  • Preparationtime: 20 min
  • Cooking time: 1 h 20
  • Marinade/rest: 24 h/24 h

Ingredientsfor Kenichi Yamamoto 's miso foie gras

For the marinated foie gras

  • 4 foie gras cutlets (approx. 50 g each)
  • 200 g saikyomiso (or white miso)
  • 10 cl sake
  • 10 cl mirin

For the dashi-melting daikon

  • 4 slices daikon (Japanese white radish)
  • 25 cl dashi broth
  • 1 tbsp. sake
  • 1 tbsp. mirin
  • 1 tsp. salted soy sauce

For the dressing

  • Arare (Japanese puffed rice)
  • Marigold flowers
  • Daikon cress (plant with notes of radish and mustard )

Steps for Kenichi Yamamoto 's miso foie gras

  1. Foie gras marinade (the day before): Mix the white miso, sake and mirin in a bowl until smooth. Dip the foie gras escalopes in the marinade and leave to rest in the refrigerator for at least 24 h.
  2. Dashi-meltingdaikon (the day before): Peel the daikon and cut into 1.5 cm-thick slices .Placein a saucepan with plenty of cold water. Bring to the boil and cook for 10 min.
  3. In another saucepan, pour in the cold dashi broth , sake and pre-cookeddaikon. Once boiling, simmer for 30 min. Add the mirin and soy sauce, then simmer over low heat for a further 30 min. Remove the pan from the heat and transfer to a container.
  4. Once cooled, place in the fridge for at least a day to allow the flavours to penetrate.
  5. oasting the foie gras: Remove the foie gras escalopes from the marinade anddrainwell. Heat a frying pan over low heat and cook the lightly floured escalopes for about 1 min on each side. Place in the oven at 180°C for 1 min, until the foie gras is golden and crispy on the outside,half-cookedand warm onthe inside.
  6. Arrange the hotdaikon on a plate, then the foie gras ontop. Add the puffed rice, flowers and daikon cress at the last minute.

Has this recipe inspired you to discover the cuisine of Kenichi Yamamoto? Read the Gault&Millau review of Ken Yamamoto.

This article is taken from 109, Le Sang Neuf de la gastronomie française. Find this special issue on newsstands or in our online store.

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