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Andouille from Jargeau in brioche, beet, Orléans mustard

Andouille from Jargeau in brioche, beet, Orléans mustard

2/10/25, 8:00 AM

Chef Marie Gricourt has opened her own restaurant, Gric, where she and her team serve classic local cuisine with a twist, such as her recipe for andouille de Jargeau in brioche.

This recipe by Marie Gricourt,chef at Restaurant Gric in Orléans, is taken from the special issue of Gault&Millau magazine, in which you can discover 109 chefs' recipes. These chefs have opened their establishments in the last 18 months and shared their favorite recipes with us. Discover the ingredients and preparation steps to make it easy.

Serves 6

Preparationtime: 25 min

Cooking time: 6 h 45

Resting time: 4 h

Ingredients for Marie Gricourt 'sJargeau andouille brioche

  • 3 Jargeau andouilles

  • 3 red beet

  • Purslane leaves

  • Orleans mustard

  • Frying oil

  • Coarse salt

For the mustard seed pickles

  • 50 g mustard seeds

  • 10 cl Orleans vinegar

  • 50 g sugar

  • 5 g salt

For the pig juice

  • Pig bones and trimmings

  • 1 carrot

  • 4 shallots

  • 4 button mushrooms

  • 1 leek

  • 1 head of garlic

  • Thyme/laurel

  • Red wine

For the brioche

  • 400 g flour

  • 15 g potato starch

  • 60 g sugar

  • 5 g baking yeast

  • 16.5 cl water

  • 4 cl milk

  • 5 g baking powder

  • 3 g salt

  • 2 c. tablespoons olive oil

Specific equipment

  • Food processor

Steps for Marie Gricourt 'sandouille de Jargeau brioche

  1. Jus de cochon: Color pig trimmings and bones, add aromatic garnish. Deglaze with water and red wine (in equal quantities), then cook for 3 to 4 hours. Strain, reduce and add Orléans mustard.

  1. Brioche: Process all ingredients in a food processor fitted with a hook, at low speed. Let the dough rest for 4 h, thenshapeitaround the andouilles .

  1. Beet tacos:

- Bake the beets wholeon coarse salt in an oven preheated to 150°C for about 2 hrs. Once cooked,peelandfinelychop with a mandolin.

- Blend the trimmingstoobtain a beet pur&e acute;e.

- Die-cutthe beet slices,topwith the puréeandcloselike a taco.

  1. Mustard seed pickles: blanch the mustard seeds andcook for 30min over low heat. At thesame time,make the pickles by boiling 20clwater, vinegar, sugar and salt. After boiling, plungeinthe cooked mustard seeds. Leave to marinate.

  1. Fry the brioche stuffed withandouille sausage at160°C for about 3min, thenbakefor 10min at180°C.

  1. Presentation: Slice the brioche, arrange the beet tacos, add the mustard seed pickles and a few purslane leaves. Finally, pour over the mustard pig jus .

Has this recipe inspired you to discover Marie Gricourt's cuisine ? Read the Gault&Millau review of Gric.

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