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15 chefs' books for the Christmas tree

15 chefs' books for the Christmas tree

Pauline Masotta | 12/11/23, 3:28 PM

Cooking like a chef is the dream of every epicurean who loves the kitchen. If you're short of ideas, a book of recipes concocted by renowned chefs could be the perfect gift.

Christmas is fast approaching .And whileyoumaybe excited about theprospect ofChristmas, the search for gifts can beperilous.What could be better thana beautiful book of the finest chefs' recipes?These booksrepresent aculinary experience and aplunge into theworld of themasters of gastronomy.They'retheidealgiftfor cooking enthusiasts, who will find these books an inexhaustiblesourceofinspiration. Getready to receive gourmet invitations to tastethe recipes concoctedby the luckyowners of these booksfound under the Christmas tree .

Terrines, puff pastry andpâtés croûtesby Gilles and NicolasVerot

Gilles and Nicolas Verotpresent a new charcuterie book, published by Chêne, featuring 100 seasonalrecipes ,skilfully integratingvegetables and meats fordelicious creations.Accessible to all, these dishes are suitable for a variety of occasions, from picnics to festive meals, with no need forspecial equipment.A family sharing of culinary know-how that celebrates the diversity ofingredients throughout the year.

From the abyss to the light ofGérald Passedat

The chef from Le Petit Nicein Marseille celebrates the depths of the sea with the help ofhisfishermenfriends,evenhighlightinglittle-knownfish.To celebrate the 10th anniversary of his book, heunveils some twenty previously unpublishedrecipespublished by Flammarion, marking theevolution of his cuisine in itsquest for the essential.Thisapproach,combined with an environmental conscience, leads him to value all parts of the fish, offering an author's cuisine that explores from the abyss to the light. TheMediterranean is more than ever in the spotlight.

  • Price: 60 euros
  • Available in bookshops

Cooking the seasons with Anna Jones

Anna Jones returns with "Cuisiner les saisons" published by Editions La Plage, offering 200plant-basedrecipes alignedwith seasonality foreco-responsibleeating .As the voice ofmodern vegetariancooking, she putsvegetables atthe center of every table, guidedby the joy and positive impact of food in everyday life .Her book reflects her passionate commitmenttoenvironmentally-friendlycooking.

  • Price: 40 euros
  • Available in bookshops

Atlas des saveurs by RaphaëlHaumont and Thierry Marx

RaphaëlHaumont and Thierry Marx explore "foodpairing" in their new culinary atlas, published by Dunod,revealing the aromatic profiles of 80 marketfruits andvegetables. With over 1,500 creative pairings, thisrevolutionarymethodbased onfood chemistry offers astonishing combinations in duos and trios, from apricots to tomatoes . The perfect way toinnovate in the kitchen and surprise your guests !

  • Price: 27 euros
  • Available in bookshops

Sababa by Yoni Saada

Yoni Saada celebrates the conviviality ofMediterraneancuisine in his latest book, offeringcreations such aspink labné, pastrami de thonton and gratin d'orzo. A culinary journey where flavors from around the world meet, sharing and love, with recipes such as chipirons surf and turf, Yemenibabka, and limoncello spritz . Yourmouth will water !

  • Price: 28 euros
  • Available in bookshops

Pierre Hermé 'splant-based patisserie

Pierre Hermé, always insearch of innovation, surprises us with his latest book dedicated toplant-based patisserie, in collaboration with Linda Vongdara. Betweenplant-based revisits ofclassics and originalcreations, the pastrychefguides us towards the ultimate gourmet experience withmasterpieces such as babka, Ispahan croissant and millefeuille.

  • Price: 39 euros
  • Available in bookshops

Jeffrey Cagnes ' patisserie

Jeffrey Cagnes shares 90 recipes, mixing iconiccreationswithnew ones in asimple, accessible pastrybook. Theemphasis is on simplicity, gourmandise and accuracy, withdetailed explanations, practical tips and never-before-seenimages ofhis daily life.This book is atestament to Jeffrey Cagnes' values of demanding yet balanced, passion yet freedom.

  • Price: 34.90 euros
  • Available in bookshops

Danny Khezzar 's Golden Book

The star candidate of the fourteenthseason of Top Chef captivated the public with histechnical mastery and exceptional creativity .In his intimate book, accompanied by his relaxed styleandfavorite music, Danny Khezzar sharesdetails of the recipes that have shaped his life, from the family dishes of his childhood to theinnovative creations of his careeras aMichelin-starredchef .

  • Price: 27 euros
  • Available in bookshops

Le grand livre des livres de cuisine by chef Yves Camdeborde

Yves Camdeborde and Laurent Seminel share amoving story through 50 cookery books, from the 16thcentury to the present day. With 30 recipes by Yves Camdeborde, they emphasize that cooking is aperpetual cycle, where the new becomes the classic for thenext generation. These books, whether rare or contemporary, tell more than just recipes,bearing witness to their times.

  • Price: 45 euros
  • Available in bookshops

Le flan en 51 recettes de grands chefs by François Blanc

Flan, anostalgic dessert often relegated to the pleasures ofchildhood, is making a triumphant comeback. Rediscovered in theshop windows of neighborhood bakers to the most elegantpalaces , it's becoming the object of covetousness. Celebratingthis renaissance, journalist and authorFrançois Blancpresents in his book an essential bible for lovers of thisdeliciouslyregressive dessert.

  • Price: €25 .90
  • Available in bookshops

In Situ by Matthias Marc

Matthias Marc, Chef at Substance restaurant,unveils his first cookbook. Featuringgastronomic recipes inspiredbyhis restaurant and traditional dishes from the Franche-Comté region, the book celebrates the flavors of the Jura. From gnocchi au vin jaune to fondue, eachcreation is an ode to creativity, marking the essence of the Comtois terroir.

  • Price: 49.90 euros
  • Available in bookshops

Une vie en cuisine avec Pierre Gagnaire by Julien Fouin

"Une vie en cuisinereveals the captivating story of chef Pierre Gagnaire, offering anartistic and culinary retrospective ofover fifty years'experience. In thisgenerousbook, a blend ofbiography and memoir, the chef shares the highs and lows of his life in the kitchen, marking a milestone inhis exceptional career.

  • Price: 59 euros
  • Available in bookshops

Imprégnationby Anne-Sophie Pic

With "Imprégnation", Anne-Sophie Pic plunges us into her culinary world, blendingrecipes and art.This book, the fruit of two years' work,reveals her refined , complex style through associations of flavors, subtle textures and a powerful palette of colors.Each pagereveals the chef's passion for art and nature, offering animmersive experience that will awaken the senses.

  • Price: 100 euros
  • Available in bookshops

Comme à Beyrouth by Alan Geaam

In this second book published by Webedia Books, the chef shares 80 recipes inspired by Beirut's lively streets, Lebanese street-food and family dinners. Flavors he knows well, having grown up in Lebanon.

  • Price: €25 .90
  • Available in bookshops

50up-and-comingchefs youneed to meetonce in your life by Hélène Luzin

In her third book published by Editions La Martinière, Hélène Luzin spotlightsa newgeneration ofchefs,presenting 50 portraits and stories that sketch the diversity oftomorrow's Frenchgastronomy.The fruit ofprivileged encountersacross France, this book celebrates an exciting new generation of chefs, shaking up traditions with conviction and generosity.

  • Price: 39.90 euros
  • Available in bookshops

These books are anopportunity to immerse yourself in theworld of chefs andlearn their well-keptsecrets.If someoneclose to you is afraid of taking the plunge into cooking, this iscertainly the bestway to give them a boost.Happy reading (and happytasting to all testers)!

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