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Gault&Millau Tour Normandie 2023

Gault&Millau Tour Normandie 2023

9/27/23, 10:00 AM

To mark the presentation of its latest guide to the Normandy region, Gault&Millau honored the region's chefs and culinary professionals on Monday September 25. The event took place at the Grange du Grand Aulnay in Grand Quevilly. The day before, winners and Gault&Millau partners attended a dinner at chef Gilles Tournadre's Café Hamlet restaurant in Rouen.

Sponsor: Eric Buisset, (Au Souper Fin, Rouen, 15/20, 3 toques)


Today, you won't find a career path quite like that of Éric Buisset. At the helm of the Au Souper Fin restaurant since 1987, the chef is celebrating a career spanning thirty-five years. Born in 1962 in Maubeuge, near the Belgian border, Éric Buisset gave up judo for cooking... Read more

Gault&Millau d'Or : Arnaud Viel, (Restaurant Arnaud Viel - La Renaissance à Argentan, 15,5/20, 3 toques)


Presentation of the Gault&Millau d'Or trophy by our partner Maestro.

"I trained as a chef, but I'm a self-taught entrepreneur," says Arnaud Viel. After completing a CAP and BEP apprenticeship with chef Jacques Angot, he continued his studies with a CAP in pastry, chocolate and confectionery. In 1989, he joined Pierre Miécaze's brigade at the Sofitel du Cnit, La Défense, for two years... more

Trophée Grand de Demain : Thomas Benady (L'Auberge Sauvage à Servon, 15,5/20, 3 toques)


Presentation of the Grand de Demain trophy by our partner Robur

A self-taught chef with a passion for responsible pleasures, Thomas Benady celebrates nature and produce at L'Auberge Sauvage in Servon (Manche). His passion for cooking comes from his father, a bookseller and gourmet, who regularly took him to discover the best restaurants in Paris... Read more

Young Talent Trophy: Arthur Piart, (Allouvi à Fécamp, 12/20, 1 toque)


Presentation of the Grand de Demain trophy by our partner Ecole des arts culinaires Lenôtre

In Norman dialect, to be "alouvi", or "allouvi", means to be as hungry as a wolf. It's perhaps a way of showing the fangs of ambition for Marie and Arthur Piart, who moved to Fécamp in June. " We thought it had potential," confides the young chef... Read more

Trophée Techniques d'Excellence : Julien Perrodin, (Au Petit Vatel à Alençon 14/20, 2 toques)


Presentation of the Techniques d'Excellence trophy by our partners Api&You.

Originally from the suburbs of Tours, this craftsman's son knew from his early teens that he would be a chef. "My first experience was with Jacky Dallais, himself the son of a blacksmith my father knew. It was an obvious choice for me. I went to hotel school, where I met Barbara... Read more

Trophée Terroir d'Exception : Allan Vassor (L'Auberge de la Vallée à Nassandres-sur-Risle 12/20, 1 toque)


Presentation of the Terroir d'Exception trophy by our partner Nespresso.

Love can sometimes move mountains. Or simply convince an authentic Provencal to move to Normandy. Recipient of the Gault&Millau Dotation for Young Talents, Allan Vassor, who grew up in Sault, in the heart of the Vaucluse, settled in Nassandres-sur-Risle . .. Read more

Trophée Tradition d'Aujourd'hui: Tony Pochon (Chez l'Gros, Rouen, 12.5/20, 1 toque)


Presentation of the Tradition d'Aujourd'hui trophy by our partners Rougié and Interbev.

Thirty-five years have passed since Tony Pochon launched his restaurant business. With his mouth full of gab, it's an understatement to say that he's made his mark on the landscape. The beginnings were amusing enough, since his first restaurant, on rue Saint-Nicolas in Rouen (where the Roland crêperie now stands), was called Hollywood Legend... Read more

Cuisine de la Mer, des Lacs et des Rivières trophy: Mathieu Le Guillois (Le Dauphin in Breuil-en-Auge, 13/20, 2 toques)


Presentation of the Cuisine de la Mer, des Lacs et des Rivières trophy by our partner Kaviari.

"My father was a farmer in the Vexin region of France. Very early on, he introduced me to good produce. "As a teenager, Mathieu Le Guillois wanted to make the most of it. In 1996, he enrolled at the Lycée Technique Hôtelier François-Rabelais in Hérouville-Saint-Clair, where he obtained his vocational baccalaureate with a cuisine option ... full article

Trophée Pâtissier: Justine Bellot (Lunic Pâtisserie, Honfleur, artisan)


Presentation of the Pâtissier trophy by our partner Elle&Vire

Just 25 years old, Justine Bellot already has a busy life ahead of her. The young winner of the Pâtissier Normandie 2024 trophy acquired her taste for cooking at home, with her family. "Sundays were sacred. We'd spend the morning with my parents and sister cooking. And I've always loved pastry-making. " ... Read more

Sommelier Trophy: Yvon Lebailly (Le Manoir du Lys in Bagnoles de l'Orne, 14.5/20, 2 toques)


Presentation of the Sommelier trophy by our partner BeWTR.

Born into a working-class family (his father was a bricklayer, his mother a weaver), nothing predisposed Yvon Lebailly to the restaurant business. " At secondary school, I wasn't exactly what you'd call a good student," recalls the sommelier. " I went to Granville to take a CAP (vocational training certificate) in cookery, but I was quickly directed towards the dining room... Read more

Trophée Accueil : Fanny Georget (Hostellerie d'Acquigny in Acquigny, 13/20, 2 toques)


Presentation of the Accueil trophy by our partner Zenchef.

Fanny Georget grew up in Beaupréau, in the Mauges region between Nantes and Angers, in a family that ran a car garage. "I had an uncle who was a hotelier and lived not far from my parents. When I was a teenager, I came to help my aunt in the dining room during school periods. She had learned the trade on the job... Read more

Trophée Jeune Talent en Salle: Alexy Paloc (L'Edulis, Granville, 13/20, 2 toques)


Presentation of the Jeune Talent en Salle trophy by our partner Eternum.

Alexy Paloc's father served in the French Navy, and his professional career was subject to many changes. " With my father's job, we were used to moving frequently," explains this young man born in Saint-Nazaire in 1996. " I didn't grow up in a family of restaurateurs, but I've always enjoyed eating well... Read more

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