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Chef : 1 restaurant

"I was born into a family of cooks. My parents ran the Toul Douar inn in Hennebont (Morbihan). I wanted to follow in my father's footsteps, who was a remarkable saucier." Ronan Kervarrec enrolled at the Dinard hotel school, where heobtained his BEP mention complémentaire arts de la table.

Motivated, he continued his studies in Lille, where he obtained a "mention complémentaire charcutier-traiteur". In 1988, he sharpened his first knives at Georges Blanc's in Vonnas. He then moved on to La Ferme Saint Siméon in Honfleur, where he rose through the ranks to become chef de partie. A good idea, since he also met his future wife and business partner, Els.

"Ronan Kervarrec then moved on to Paris, where he rubbed shoulders with some of the greats, including Joël Robuchon. " It was my dream to join his brigade," he confides. Initially predestined for gastronomic restaurants, he started out at Le Bistrot. "At that time, my father became seriously ill. So I had to return to theToul Douarinn ina hurry." At the age of 26, the chef unwillingly took over the reins of thekitchen, until the death of his father two years later.

After a stint at a restaurant in Carnac, Ronan Kervarrec returned to Paris and joined Groupe Flo Prestige as a chef. "I was able to put into practice my knowledge and techniques as a charcutier-traiteur. I learned a lot. For the first time,I had to manage a team of 90 cooks, schedules, and supply 14 boutiques." In 2002, when the company was acquired by Lenôtre, Ronan joined the R&D team and became close to Guy Krenzer, double MOF, Compagnon du devoir and Tour de France.Guy Krenzer took him under his wing and helped him along the way.

Ronan Kervarrec became a Compagnon du devoir et du Tour de France in 2007. Then an opportunity arose in Monaco. He opened Le Zest,as manager of the establishment. "There was a catering boutique and a restaurant. It was perfect, I could makemy two jobs coincide." In order to best organize a meal for the Fondation Albert1er, Ronan Kervarrec called on Yannick Alléno, who offered him the opportunity to open the Royal Mansour Marrakech. Now a renowned executive chef, he continued his career at the Hôtel-Château de La Chèvre d'Or, in Èze (Alpes-Maritimes), then at Hôtel de Pavie, in Saint-Émilion (Gironde).

With all this experience behind him, Ronan Kervarrec is keen to return to his native Brittany. What better way to do this than to open his own restaurant? In 2020, he and his wife bought Le Saison in Saint-Grégoire. After eight months' work, he added his own name to the restaurant: Ronan Kervarrec - Le Saison. The establishment now includes La Table de Ronan, La Boutique d'Els and Les Chambres d'Hôtes. His aim is simple: to revive the culinary memories he shared with his father. " In his honor, I offer an iodized cuisinebased on seaweed, fish and shellfish. And, of course, sauces, the basis of our gastronomy." Gault&Millau immediately awarded him a 16.5/20 rating and 3 toques.

B. G.

Biography & Awards

Its restaurants

Maison Kervarrec - Le Saison
Remarkable Restaurant

Maison Kervarrec - Le Saison

Address 35760 SAINT-GRÉGOIRE
Chef Ronan Kervarrec
Cooking French | Healthy cooking
Budget 110€ à 280€

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