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Quentin GIRAUD

Quentin GIRAUD

Sommelier : 1 restaurant A passionate sommelier, Quentin Giraud is one of the cornerstones of La Boria, Florian Descours' restaurant in Ardèche.

Although he was born in Vienne, in the midst of Condrieu and Côte-Rôtiewines , Quentin Giraud grew up in the Loire department, between Roanne and Le Coteau, in a family where good wines were appreciated. "My father, an industrialist, was lucky enough to receive allowances from the Perrin family in Châteauneuf-du-Pape.From the age of 11 or 12, he introduced me to wine tasting. "

A career as a PE teacher suddenly cut short

Yet this sports enthusiast (soccer, table tennis and skiing) was initially destined to become a teacher. He passed his baccalauréat ES and enrolled in STAPS, but a serious injury put an end to his plans. no regrets," he explains. I was more interested in sports than anatomy or biology." Quentin Giraud followed his girlfriend, who was studying at Vatel, to Ireland. He spent seven monthsthere, working as a valet for a wealthy Irishman , doing everything from gardening to cooking (he had meanwhile obtained a BTS in hotel and catering), accompanying him on his travels and entertaining his daughter. "I hardly spoke a word of English when I set foot in Ireland.I took my chances. "

In 2015, the adventure begins at La Boria

Back in France, the young man started working as a sommelier at theprestigious Pyramide in Vienne, where he obviously learned a lot, but realized that he didn't enjoy selling wines he didn't know. "If you have over 1,000 references, it's frustrating because you can't know everything. atLa Boria, I can tell you about every wine, I know every winemaker I work with. "

Alongside Florian Descours, the chef at this Boria - "not far from the ideal restaurant " -,Quentin Giraud lights up the room with his good humor, his passion and, above all, his in-depth knowledge of the vineyards .

Biography & Awards

Its restaurants

La Boria
Remarkable Restaurant

La Boria

Address 07000 VEYRAS
Chef Florian Descours
Cooking French
Budget 58€ à 88€

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