Clémence Taillandier et Philippe PLATEL
Chef : 1 restaurantLooking at the career paths of Clémence Taillandier and Philippe Platel, it's instantly clear that the two young men left nothing to chance before opening their own restaurant.
Each has patiently and intelligently built his or her career, multiplying experiences in more or less prestigious restaurants, but always with the desire to discover radically different worlds and cuisines in mind.
Clémence Taillandier began her cooking career at the Institut Paul Bocuse, after obtaining her Bac S. This was a radical and profitable change of direction. A radical and profitable change of direction that enabled her to train with Christopher Coutanceau, Troisgros and then L'Astrance (where she would meet her future partner), before joining the kitchens of Les Climats, in Paris, as head pastry chef, then those of the excellent Quinsou, also in Paris, as second chef.
Philippe Platel didn't follow the classic hotel school route either, graduating with a baccalauréat ES before joining Ferrandi to earn a Bachelor's degree in Restaurant Management, followed by a complementary mention in sommellerie at the Lycée Albert de Mun. Chef de rang at Les Déserteurs in Paris, then in London, he then joined Pascal Barbot and Christophe Rohat at L'Astrance (then rue Beethoven) as chef de rang and sommelier. " I then held the position of sommelier at David Toutain's for just over two years before, with Clémence, we both had the opportunity to join Diego Delbecq and Camille Pailleau's Rozo restaurant. They were moving from Lille to Marcq en Baroeul, and it was the perfect opportunity for both of us to discover all the difficulties involved in opening a restaurant. We were already planning to set up our own business.
A few months after the start of their Lille adventure, Pulpe, their restaurant on rue Saint-André, has been awarded its first "toque" (which should soon lead to a second): local products, simple and generous cuisine, an already exciting cellar, all the signs are green.
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